with Mercedes Azpilicueta, Filipa Cesar & Luis Henderson, Eli Cortiñas
curated by Martina Angelotti
29.05 > 7.07.2018
At its second edition, CINEMODERNO is structured around the imaginary of video and its performative potential. The project is manifested in the form of festivals diluted over a period of two months, in which artists are invited to perform every two weeks and to present a re-elaboration and reformulation - in a performative key - of a video research already started.
Since from the first edition - which involved the artists Eva and Franco Mattes; Anna Franceschini and Diego Marcon; Teresa Cos; Francesco Fonassi, with a prologue by Massimo Carozzi - CINEMODERNO explores the language of video in all its multiple dimensions - sculptural, sound, visual - to investigate forms of interaction between the visual narration of the film and its hypertextuality, between the two-dimensional form of the projection and the three-dimensional one of its "staging". CINEMODERNO is inspired by an anthropological perspective, which Rachel O. Moore identifies in cinema through the definition of "magic ritual" with the power to revive, heal and enchant.
For this edition CINEMODERNO is configured through three live interventions that return different sets of space - designed for both live and exhibition - for the duration of two weeks each. The invited artists, coming from different physical and mental geographies, are united by research aspects focused on the analysis of performative practices related to cinema or its ritual dimension, often approached through found-footage and documentary techniques, and which investigate the dimension of the "exotic" from very different perspectives and geographical gazes.
From the video performance of the Argentinean and half Italian artist Mercedes Azpilicueta (La Facultad, 2018) who investigates through the movement, language, sound and video, the relationship between the female body and the social body. The "westernized" jungle of the Tarzan series and other previous projects by Eli Cortiñas, whose lecture performance reveals the research process and the relationship between artist and ethnographer, to the political potential returned in a live form, by Filipa Cesar & Luis Henderson's Op-art: a film made with lenses and celluloid photosensitive to the desktop localization engine, which passes from the production of Fresnel lens material to the invention of global satellite navigation systems (GNSS), an instrument announcing the obsolescence of the sighting beacon.
La facultad, 2018
Mercedes Azpilicueta,
live performance i.c.w. Madelyn Bullard
set until 12th June
a live work introduced in three acts
a test for a vulnerable body in an unknown space
a staccato of different voices, sound clips and projected images.
La facultad is a term coined by Gloria Anzaldúa that refers to the capacity developed by many on the border “to see in surface phenomena the meaning of deeper realities”. It is an instant “sensing”, a quick perception arrived at without conscious reasoning. It is an acute awareness mediated by the part of the psyche that does not speak, that communicates in images and symbols -which are the faces of feelings.
Fabbrica del Vapore,