The research group Change Management from The Hague University of Applied Sciences (THUAS) in the person of dr. Jacco van Uden and In4Art co-founder Rodolfo Groenewoud – van Vliet cordially invite you to the matchmaking event ‘Art: Innovation engine in the 21st century’ as part of the Dutch National Research Agenda.
DATE Monday 29 October 2018
VENUE THUAS, Johanna Westerdijkplein 75 in The Hague
TIMES 12.00 – 18.00 (including lunch and networking drink)
In the National Research Agenda art is presented as the engine for innovation and reflection in a high-tech society. Artists, as stated, see things differently and see different things, thereby creating new possibilities. When it comes to new technologies, artists can identify underused features, overlooked perspectives or potential applications. The artist can be positioned at the base of radical development. The big question for parties that rely on innovation is: How to involve artists? That is what we will be talking about on 29 October.
During the event we bring together organisations that deal with innovation and/or art daily. Amongst the invitees we include companies with a clear focus on technological innovation, artists working on the intersection of art and science/technology, art institutions, knowledge institutions and public organisations.
Together we will identify the opportunities and challenges when it comes to collaborations between innovation driven organisations and artists. Questions we will be asking include: what can we learn from comparable collaborations in the past? How can we deal with the often present tension between the functional goal-oriented strategy within organisations as opposed to the autonomy of the artist? Under what conditions can a collaboration succeed?
The goal of the afternoon is to formulate an agenda towards a large-scale research project in 2019. Also, we are looking for partners to join us in this project (matchmaking). Thus, this will be an event for inspiration, knowledge sharing and building networks through keynote speeches and breakout sessions.
Afterwards THUAS and In4Art will be very willing to discuss to further explore this subject within the context of your organisation, through a collaborative research project.